Contribute your thoughts

contribute your words

Everything impacts healthcare. Something as simple as access to clean drinking water can drastically affect a country's growth and the health of its population.

For every $1 invested in safe water and sanitation, a yield of $5 to $28 USD is returned in increased economic activity and reduced health care costs.

Every day over 6000 people, most of them children, die from lack of access to safe water and related diseases contracted from contaminated water

Every year 3,575,000 people die from water related diseases. This is equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every hour. Most of these people are children (2.2 million).

22% of health facilities in Least Developed Countries have no safe water. Diarrheal disease, mainly contratced from unsafe water kills one child every 60 seconds.


We know you have an opinion on what the future holds for health and while your experiences and views may be shaped by your specific field of expertise, it is exactly that perspective we are seeking to highlight. There is no industry on the planet that does not, in some way, impact the health of the people it touches, directly, or indirectly.

Perhaps you've enjoyed reading a colleague's work on FOHI or perhaps you disagree with their perspective? Consider this an open invitation to share your thoughts in a long form essay and we'll work with you to ensure the article receives the attention it undoubtedly deserves.

We may even have reached out to you on an earlier occasion and the timing may not have been auspicious. If you're ready to share your mind for the betterment of our planet, then FOHI would be honored to publish your thoughts. You can use the form alongside to get in touch with us.

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

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